Adaptive Leadership
Patricia Otway-Drummond
New Leaders Alum, 2011
New Leaders Alum, 2011

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Adaptive Leadership
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Distributed Leadership
Instructional Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Unlocking Potential, Driving Success: Six Strategies for Leading Better School Teams
Being a true leader is not just a title, it involves taking action. If you find yourself in the position of leading a team at your school for the first time this year, these strategies will help you get comfortable in your new role.
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Personal Leadership
5 Practices for K-12 Leaders to Strengthen Relationships with Administration
Building strong relationships between K-12 leaders and administrators fosters trust, collaboration, and psychological safety. Discover strategies to proactively develop these essential connections, ensuring a successful partnership that drives student achievement and school improvement.
Personal Leadership
School Culture
Adaptive Leadership

Personal Leadership
Emotional Intelligence for K-12 Leaders: How to Improve Yours
Increasing your emotional intelligence means concentrating on consistent, reflective actions that build empathy, strengthen relationships, and allow you to see other perspectives. Use these four strategies to enhance your daily EQ.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture

Adaptive Leadership
Getting Started: How to Develop AI Guidelines for Schools and Districts
If developing an AI policy feels overwhelming, consider focusing on developing preliminary AI usage guardrails. Use these four questions to guide your thinking and your next steps.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration

Instructional Leadership
Making Your Mark: Advice for New & Tenured Assistant Principals
Assistant principals drive instructional leadership, manage school operations, support teachers and staff, ensure student wellbeing, and much more. Here’s how to balance—and embrace—the diverse responsibilities that come with the role.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
How K-12 Leaders Can Prepare for Next Year, Now
Spring is here (or around the corner!), and schools and districts need to end strong and prepare for next year. Here are best practices to manage and lead both successfully.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture

Adaptive Leadership
A.I. in Education: What K-12 Leaders Need to Know
Artificial intelligence (AI)’s influence in education is already significant, yet learning about it can be daunting. We explore what AI is, its educational applications, and considerations for thoughtful AI implementation.
Resilient Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Voices From The Field

Resilient Leadership
10 Leadership Actions that Make Great School Principals
Here are ten leadership actions—and ten popular blog posts—that explore the many aspects of effective school leadership. Dive in today and jumpstart your leadership skills.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
Characteristics of Great School Principals That Drive Impact
This time of year offers a natural time for reflection, especially for school and district leaders who don’t always take the time to celebrate their wins. Here are the ways you make a difference.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture
Resilient Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
Taking a Pulse Check: A Year-Round Approach to Teacher Retention
A solid teacher retention strategy requires school leaders to proactively create the conditions—and ask the questions—that make teachers want to stay in their roles. Here are a few ways to ensure you’re cultivating that environment year-round.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture
Resilient Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
Adaptive Leadership: How Great School Principals Lead for Change
One quality great principals possess is leaning into adaptive leadership—a method that helps them and their school community thrive in the face of constant change. Is it a mindset, a practice, or both?
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture

Personal Leadership
How to Build Self-Awareness & Improve Your K12 Leadership
Self-awareness, sometimes called a ‘hidden superpower,’ is essential for K12 leaders to cultivate. Learn how to do the inner work, so your leadership actions (external work) deliver better student outcomes.
Resilient Leadership
High-Performing Teams
Adaptive Leadership

Resilient Leadership
Cultivating Resilient Mindsets: 5 Actions for School Teams
When we talk about resiliency, it’s usually through the lens of our students. However, it’s important to nurture resiliency among our teachers, staff, and ourselves, too. Here’s how to build more resilient school teams.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Adaptive Leadership
Personal Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Four Questions to Step Up Your School Vision for Next Year
Summer is a perfect time to take a look at your school vision and make sure it still resonates. Here are a few questions and resources to guide you.
Adaptive Leadership
Personal Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
5 Ways to Cultivate More Joy Next School Year
Student achievement, rigorous curriculum, a positive culture—elements of high-performing schools—are easier to achieve when joy is present in your school and in your leadership. Here’s how to find more joy.
Voices From The Field
Leading for Excellence
Adaptive Leadership

Voices From The Field
New Thought Leadership for Improving our K12 Schools
Hear from three key leaders—New Leaders CEO, our chief financial and strategy officer, and a fellow from our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship—on how we can transform schools for the better.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence

Instructional Leadership
School Leaders Need a Plan to Lead for Literacy
Great literacy instruction requires more than great teaching—it requires great leadership. Learn how to apply a 4-part action planning process to chart a course forward for your school or district.
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Adaptive Leadership
How One School Leader Is Valuing Her Teachers
Teacher retention is a pressing issue this time of year. Learn how one New Leaders alum is putting systems in place to value and retain her top talent.
School Culture
Social-Emotional Learning
Adaptive Leadership

School Culture
Four System Changes To Support and Appreciate K12 Teachers
While well-intentioned, encouraging self-care among teachers isn’t a substitute for broader changes that signal they’re supported and appreciated. As we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, here’s what to focus on instead.
Adaptive Leadership
School Culture
High-Performing Teams

Adaptive Leadership
How Leaders Can Guide More Innovation in Their Schools
“Innovation” is touted as the solution to many challenges within K-12 education. But how do schools begin their innovation journey? Creating a culture where innovation thrives is a good start.
Observation & Coaching
Adaptive Leadership
High-Performing Teams

Observation & Coaching
How One Superintendent Is Strengthening Her Leadership
“Everyone needs support with problem solving,” reflects Gina Sudaria, superintendent of Ravenswood City School District. Discover how her partnership with a New Leaders executive coach is helping her make transformational change.
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
School Culture

Adaptive Leadership
Five Insights for Leading and Managing Change in Your School
School leaders are change agents. Leading large-scale change requires a particular set of tools in your leadership toolbox. Here are five strategies to sharpen your change management skills.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Adaptive Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Goal Setting & Action Planning
4 Leadership Questions to Boost Your Retention Rates
Research shows that turnover among principals and teachers is interconnected. So are the solutions. Here are four questions to help inform district and school retention plans.
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Instructional Leadership
School Leaders: 6 Ways You Made a Difference in 2022
In the midst of the challenges school leadership entails, don’t forget how much you and your leadership are needed. Here are just a few of the reasons why you’re so appreciated.
Personal Leadership
Adaptive Leadership

Personal Leadership
Harnessing Optimism, Handling Overwhelm: Strategies for the New School Year
Whether you’re a seasoned school leader or a first-time principal, a new school year is a one-of-a-kind mix of optimism and overwhelm. We’ve got some tips to help you manage.
School Culture
Social-Emotional Learning
Adaptive Leadership

School Culture
How School Leaders Can Create the Conditions to Support Teacher Self-Care
Encouraging true self-care for faculty and staff often means finding solutions to the more systemic challenges that cause stress and overwhelm. Here are a few actions to consider.
Voices From The Field
Adaptive Leadership
Personal Leadership

Voices From The Field
From Aspiring Principals to Transformational Leaders
Six New Leaders alumni share their leadership journey and offer insights, advice, and strategies for education leaders to transform our schools and districts for the better.
Adaptive Leadership
Family and Community Engagement
Personal Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
Words of Wisdom From Leaders Leading Through Adversity
Gain insights from school leaders who led through past national crises as you continue to navigate the demands of leading schools in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting.
Goal Setting & Action Planning
Adaptive Leadership
Family and Community Engagement

Goal Setting & Action Planning
Next Year Won’t Be A “Normal” School Year—So Let’s Plan Accordingly Now
Here’s how to get out in front of next school year by planning proactively to support the needs and build on the strengths of students, staff, and families.
Adaptive Leadership
Distributed Leadership
Professional Learning & Collaboration
Adaptive Leadership
5 Ways To Keep Your Teachers During “The Great Resignation”
The educator shortage isn't new, but it's increasingly concerning as more teachers leave the profession. Here are five actions you can take to reverse this trend in your school.
Leading for Excellence
Adaptive Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Shining a Light On Inequity In Education: Actions You Can Take
Become aware of the most common and well-researched inequities in schools and how equity-focused leaders can disrupt them so all students have access to a high-quality education.
Adaptive Leadership
Voices From The Field
Family and Community Engagement

Adaptive Leadership
How One School Leader is Keeping Her Teachers
In an era of the Great Resignation and educators leaving the field en masse, one school is seeing the opposite trend: almost 100% teacher retention. Here's how.
Adaptive Leadership
Resilient Leadership
Goal Setting & Action Planning

Adaptive Leadership
Resolve to Subtract (Not Add) to Improve Student Outcomes in 2022
Rather than adding more programs and initiatives, here are three ways education leaders can support teachers to focus their energy where it matters most: meeting the needs of students.
Adaptive Leadership
Personal Leadership
Voices From The Field
Adaptive Leadership
Ground Zero: What I Learned About Leadership in My First Week as Principal
9/11 changed how one school leader saw the role of the principal and reinforced the deliberate dance between the “person” and the “position” of being a school leader.
Leading for Excellence
Instructional Leadership
Adaptive Leadership

Leading for Excellence
Five Differences a Great School Principal Makes
Great principals build great schools. The difference a good principal makes is lasting—for students, teachers, families, and communities. Here are the top five ways good principals create great schools.
Adaptive Leadership
Observation & Coaching
Distributed Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
Empowering Principals to Empower Their Schools
Two former principals and current leadership coaches (as well as New Leaders alumni) share three essential supports that made a transformative difference in their leadership.
Adaptive Leadership
Leading for Excellence
Social-Emotional Learning

Adaptive Leadership
Confronting History in Real Time: A Principal’s Role
School leaders are instrumental to the endurance of our democracy. Here is how you can prepare and support teachers to lead ongoing discussions that reinforce our nation’s democratic values.
Adaptive Leadership
Voices From The Field

Adaptive Leadership
Plan B and C and D: How Two Principals are Hoping to Avoid the Summer Slide
Two New Leaders alumni and school principals discuss how they plan to advance summer learning, overcome communication challenges, and adapt their leadership to move forward in new ways.
Adaptive Leadership
Resilient Leadership

Adaptive Leadership
“What Defines Us as Leaders Now?” How District Leaders Wrestle with Equity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Like districts across the country, Guilford County Schools is experiencing a heightened awareness of inequity amid the pandemic. Here is how their top leaders are planning to address it.
Adaptive Leadership
Resilient Leadership
Voices From The Field

Adaptive Leadership
“We Will Get Through This Ordeal Together." How One Principal is Motivating His School to Stay Connected
“I can’t tell what day it is,” Principal Felipe Jackson reflects. Learn how this New Leaders alum is leading through crisis and motivating his school to get through the pandemic together.
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