New Thought Leadership for Improving our K12 Schools

Hear from three key leaders—New Leaders CEO, our chief financial and strategy officer, and a fellow from our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship—on how we can transform schools for the better.
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At New Leaders, we believe that all children are capable of doing extraordinary things. We also know that disparities within the education system limit access to resources, opportunities, and support. As a result, far too many students of color and students from communities with lower incomes do not receive the education that they deserve, resulting in lost potential in academic outcomes, high school and college graduation, and lifelong success.

Building the capacity of diverse, equity-minded school leaders who are committed to the success of every child is our solution for how we transform schools and districts for the better. We want this to be readily understood at the local, state, and federal levels too. Our goal is to continually elevate the importance of school and district leadership to broader audiences. 

Below are insights from key thought leaders at New Leaders, including our CEO Jean Desravines, on how we can improve our nation’s schools. They were each featured in The Hechinger Report, District Administration, and EdWeek, respectively. We hope they speak to you.

Want to improve our public schools? Create an impressive principal pipeline.

“School districts task principals with tremendous responsibilities and, rightfully, hold them accountable when their schools fall short of their goals,” explains Desravines in The Hechinger Report.

 “In return, principals deserve opportunities to develop their skills and discover new ways to drive improved outcomes for students and unite teachers and families in this shared mission. Principals can only be a solution when they’re given the professional development necessary to succeed, including opportunities to learn and grow—just like the students they serve.”

Learn more about why professional development of school principals is one of the greatest solutions for improving our K12 system—and how districts and school systems can capitalize on the outsized role that principals play in creating an atmosphere of excellence. 

Read the full article here: Want to improve our public schools? Create an impressive principal pipeline.

Want to ensure financial sustainability beyond ESSER?

District Administration recently featured advice from our Chief Financial & Strategy Officer Noah Wepman on how districts can prepare for the end of ESSER funds. The former chief financial officer for the District of Columbia Public Schools, Wepman identifies five actions district leaders can take right now to keep students and equity at the center of tough budget decisions and avoid the devastating impact of the ESSER fiscal cliff. 

“Wait too long,” Wepman explains, “and districts will be forced to resort to seniority-based layoffs and across-the-board cuts, a plan designed to look like everyone feels the pain equally – but this approach typically is felt the hardest by students furthest from educational equity.”

Our sustainable financial planning services offer expert assistance in planning and preparing for long-term financial security—so that districts can continue to advance student success. 

Read the full article here: Five steps districts can take to prepare for the coming fiscal cliff

Want to step into school leadership? Or know someone who should?

Our first cohort of future school leaders completed our National Aspiring Principals Fellowship this spring. As featured in EdWeek, Jeffrey Monroe, a fellow and high school chemistry teacher in Memphis, Tennessee, describes the Fellowship as “professionally and personally transformational.” With his eye on a school leadership role, he added, “I’m more prepared than I have ever been.” 

Designed in partnership with two preeminent minority serving institutions—Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University—the Fellowship honors the experiences and identities of educators of color and develops leaders who remove barriers to student success. Our new partnership with Bank Street Graduate School of Education is also expanding access to the Fellowship in New York. 

Learn more about how the Fellowship is creating a clear pathway for teachers of color to become equity-focused principals.

Read the full article here: Online training program to boost number of principals of color expands

At New Leaders, we also believe that educational leaders like you, in partnership with the communities they serve, have unparalleled impact on the academic success and well-being of their students. We hope you take this summer to restore, retool, and recommit. We’ll be offering suggestions on how to do all three, all summer long. Stay tuned for more. 

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