Building Your Instructional Leadership Team This School Year

The secret to a strong school can often lie in its teams. If you’re looking to start an instructional leadership team, or wanting to bolster your own, these tips can help.
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Another school year is up and running, filled with promise and potential pitfalls. Staff shortages, complex political climates, and continued learning losses, to name a few. Strong school leaders know that one secret to navigating another unpredictable school year is to not do it all alone. 

Principals need effective instructional leadership teams (ILTs), and teachers, as many have voiced, want to play a more significant role in school-based decisions. Instead of being on the receiving end of policies and practices to be implemented, teachers who are part of ILTs and grade level teams are invested in solutions—and feel more purposeful in their work. 

If you’re thinking about launching an ILT this school year or looking to take your team to the next level, we have what you need. Here are three blogs to help you get you started.

What to look for in your team members

Strong leadership is an indicator of school success, but it doesn’t need to be in a vacuum. Here are five qualities to look for when building your instructional leadership team.

How to drive school change

Leadership requires creating the conditions for achieving positive change at scale. Structuring your instructional leadership team for success will allow it to drive excellence and equity across your school. Here’s how.

How small changes can lead to big wins

A New Leaders alum reflects on the power of small changes to enhance her leadership and team meetings. After a year of disrupted learning, these tips can deliver big wins.

This school year, education leaders will need to be resilient—and great motivators too—but they do not need to lead by themselves. A strong ILT can make all the difference. Seek out and grow the leadership capacity of the teachers in your building and together you’ll move your whole school community forward. 

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