Moving Forward Differently in the Coming School Year

Every school year offers opportunities to do things in a new way. Here are four blogs to jumpstart your self-reflection and fuel your leadership journey moving forward.
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Sometimes in order to move forward differently, leaders need to pause and look back. This summer, which we hope is proving to be restorative, offers educators the opportunity to reflect on what has been in order to reimagine what will be. When done regularly, self-reflection becomes a highly effective leadership tool. It helps leaders to grow in self-awareness and build integrity and trust within the communities they serve. 

Of course, self-reflection, as the term implies, can be done solo. Perhaps an afternoon with a journal, cup of coffee, and a pen in hand. Maybe a long walk or even a long drive. All you need is a set of questions and dedicated time to ponder, challenge your assumptions, and be curious about what else is possible. 

Self-reflection can also be done in tandem, most commonly with a coach. Coaching offers thought partnership and a confidential space for leaders to slow down and think about current situations. This kind of self-reflection, coupled with accountability, enables leaders to identify and overcome their own obstacles and move forward quickly to the benefit of all.

Here are four blogs to jumpstart your reflections this summer and fuel your leadership journey into the new school year. 

Self-Reflection on Personal Leadership

Let’s take a moment to pause and think deeply about who you are as a leader and how you show up. Personal leadership is always in your control—and can drive success. Learn more.

Self-Reflection on Equity-Focused Leadership

The beginning of a new year is a great time to assess your commitment to being an equity-focused leader. Reflect on the work you’re doing by asking yourself these six questions. Click to get started

Self-Reflection on the Pandemic & Lessons Learned

The COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it brought to K-12 education also signaled new ways to move our schools forward. Here are a few of those insights. Read more.

Self-Reflection in Coaching 

Hear from four New Leaders leadership coaches about how one-on-one virtual coaching is lifting up and supporting principals and assistant principals in this moment and the next. Explore coaching.

Self-reflection, passion, and continuous growth lie at the heart of transformational leaders. They are some of the qualities that make great school leaders. Summer is the perfect time to pause and consider how you might move forward differently this school year. 

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