Women's History Month: Elevating Leader Voices from the Field

Celebrating women’s voices and insights from education leaders at every level. From spreading joy in our schools to empowering principals and teachers to motivating women to step into leadership roles.
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We are kicking off March with a celebration of women’s voices and insights as they lead in schools, classrooms, and nonprofits across the nation. At present, just over a quarter of superintendents are women, with a much smaller percentage identifying as leaders of color. Yet, three-quarters of all public school educators are women.

Now is the time to motivate more aspiring leaders, particularly women and teachers of color, to step into leadership roles and expand their reach to more students, more teachers, and more communities. Young girls need to see more women challenge negative stereotypes, interrupt inequitable systems, and build schools rooted in respect, high expectations, and inclusivity.  

At New Leaders, we cultivate and shape exceptional school leaders to remove barriers to student success and create learning environments free from bias and limitation. Each of our five blogs features women leaders doing just that—leading for change.


Headshot of Clariza Dominicci

How to Bring Back the Joy and Humanity in Our Schools

Watching her community endure immense losses from COVID-19, one school leader is working to restore the humanity of teaching and learning for her students, teachers, families, and herself.

Female and male school administrators holding notebooks.

Empowering Principals to Empower Their Schools

Published by ASCD Express, two former principals and current leadership coaches (as well as New Leaders alumni) share three supports that made a transformative difference in their leadership.

Blank notecard hung by clothespin on a string.


Schools and districts cannot afford to pile on new initiatives without stopping the initiatives that no longer work. Simplifying, the fourth key leadership shift, can deliver results.

The word "leadership" spelled out by game letter cubes.

Distributed Leadership: Empowering Teachers to Make a Lasting Difference for Students

A New Leaders alum and coach reflects on distributed leadership: “I knew if I created a partnership with my team, we could build the culture our students needed to thrive.”

Three women of different brown skin tones below the word "roar."

Women Empowering Women to Lead

Motivating other aspiring leaders, particularly women and teachers of color, to stretch beyond their role enables them to influence positive outcomes for more students, more teachers, and more communities.

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