Wishing you true peace for the holidays and new year

Our work this past year reminds me of the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.”
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Jean Desravines
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Dear New Leaders community,

The end of the year is traditionally a time of relaxation, reflection, and peace. This year, however, is not like any other. Like you, I am ready to let 2020 go.

As I eagerly look to the new year, with both trepidation and hope for better days, I am mindful of all of the things that fueled and sustained our work during this challenging year. The immeasurable opportunities to lead with conviction and hope. To care for students, staff, and families in ways unimagined. To demonstrate, once again, our unwavering belief in all children’s potential to thrive, no matter the circumstances. To demand more equitable systems and practices, in our schools and society.

Our work this year reminds me of the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.”  

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I am deeply grateful to members of the New Leaders community—school leaders, partners, supporters, and staff across the country—who live out our mission every day and work tirelessly to build a more just world. Your creativity, dedication, and passion are inspirational. You turned school buildings into joyful virtual classrooms overnight. You set up food pantries and clothing drives. You called on our newly elected national leaders to put students first. Truly, your leadership is transformational.

In that same spirit, I am proud that New Leaders has reached an unprecedented number of school and system leaders in 2020 via our new virtual programming and online resources, all freely available to education leaders anywhere, anytime.

  • Our Transformational Leadership Framework TM (TLF) 2020 helps leaders place equity and anti-racism at the center of every leadership decision.
  • Our has supported more than 1,000 leaders across the country to adapt their leadership and take bold, purposeful action to protect learning and advance racial equity.
  • Our Virtual Classroom Toolkit offers ready-to-use tools for educators to foster effective virtual and hybrid classroom experiences.

I am energized to continue our work together, further growing our impact by reaching even more school leaders through our innovative programming and initiatives. In October, we announced that we are the proud recipients of a significant investment from the Studio @ Blue Meridian, allowing us to scale groundbreaking work with higher education programs training the next generation of school leaders.

We couldn’t do any of this without you—our community of leaders, supporters, and champions. Thank you for your tireless pursuit of justice on behalf of Black and brown students and those furthest from opportunity. We stand with you and send our best wishes for a healthy, restful holiday season, and a new year that brings us closer to true peace.



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Jean S. Desravines

Jean S. Desravines

Jean S. Desravines serves as the CEO of New Leaders, a national education nonprofit organization that develops equity-focused principals and school leaders. He serves on the boards of St. Francis College in Brooklyn and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. He is also a co-chair for the newly launched Black Voices for Black Justice Fund.

Jean S. Desravines

Jean S. Desravines

Jean S. Desravines

Jean S. Desravines

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